
What are the types of cellulite?

All women are affected by cellulite, regardless of their body type. This source of complex that we find difficult to get rid of, without the appropriate anti-cellulite treatments.

But how can we treat an aesthetic problem if we don't really know what we're fighting against? Let's now discover the different types of cellulite and how to fight against them.

What is cellulite?

celluliteis in fact just fat deposits under your skin, sometimes giving it a dimpled appearance. In fact, it is made up of several fat cells (which are not necessarily very numerous) which are quite large in size. These cells, the adipocytes, fill up and create the origin of numerous complexes.

Generally, we findcellulite in women on the thighs, buttocks, but also on the stomach. Some women develop cellulite on their arms. Men can also be affected by cellulite, but it remains very occasional and is much less widespread.

Adipose cellulite

Adipose cellulite appears when the body experiences a disturbance in relation to the fat within your body. It then develops when there are more fats ingested than expended during your days. The accumulation of this unregulated fat causes inflammation, because the adipose tissue triggers an imbalance in the circulation of your toxins.

adipose cellulite can also be the result of too long a sedentary period. By not practicing enough sporting activity, the body tends to store fats, and therefore toxins.

We recognize adipose cellulite by its bumpy appearance and its clearly marked orange peel skin. It is located on the thighs, knees, stomach, buttocks, and hips.

How to fight against fatty cellulite?

As adipose cellulite is the result of fat accumulation, it will be necessary to find solutions that allow the melting of this fat in order to detoxify your body. As a result, toxins will be eliminated and inflammation will be reduced and the dimples will gradually disappear.

To do this, you will need to follow ahealthy and varied diet and engage in regularsports activity.

For diet, it is essential to avoid all fats, but particularly those that are cooked, industrially prepared dishes and sugar. Don’t hesitate to eat fruits and vegetables, accompanied by fish and dairy products. Finally, favor foods known for their richness in omega 3which have anti-inflammatory actions.

In sporting activity, we recommend everything cardio in order to prioritize eliminating superfluous fats. So turn to jogging, cycling, or swimming. And for more efficiency, you can carry out the method of palper-rouler daily.

Watery cellulite

Aqueous cellulite has a direct relationship with water retention which can be caused by poor lymphatic circulation, or poor venous circulation . This is therefore water that could stagnate in the tissues, which would directly develop dimpling and lead to deformation of the skin to result in swelling.

It is not the most visible, and is distinguished by its flexibility. Watery celluliteis mainly found in the thighs, calves, ankles, but also the arms.

How to fight watery cellulite?

To fight against aqueous cellulite, you need to focus on the problem of water retention. Thus, it will be necessary to focus on drainage techniques such as the palpate-rolling method or lymphatic aquadrainage. You can also find devices designed for this purpose in order to combine the effectiveness of drainage while enjoying a massage which will empty the adipocytes.

Diet also has a role to play with water retention. Always favor foods known for their antioxidant benefits. This will allow you to stimulate your circulation. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten without moderation!

Fibrous cellulite

The fibrous cellulite is padded, and quite hard to the touch. It is recognized by the sagging of the skin and the pain it causes in the affected area. This is the hardest cellulite to get rid of, but it is not impossible. It mainly concerns adult women approaching menopause.

How to fight fibrous cellulite?

Nothing better than sport to fight against fibrous cellulite. Being the hardest type of cellulite to get rid of, sport has a central place in your anti-cellulite treatment. You can combine cardio sports with weight training to dislodge fat while firming your body.

The diet should be balanced and varied with fruits and vegetables, vitamins, but also trace elements. Try not to succumb to industrial foods and bad sugars found in sodas or candies. And above all, drink plenty of water throughout your day.

Cas rare : la cellulite infectieuse

La dernière forme de cellulite est la cellulite infectieuse. Contrairement aux trois autres types vus précédemment dans cet article, celle-ci est causée par une bactérie qui crée une infection, et une inflammation qui se développe sous la peau. Elle n’a pas de points communs avec une cellulite classique.

Cette cellulite peut apparaître suite à une opération chirurgicale, des soins dentaires ou une plaie qui se serait infectée. Elle peut également intervenir après une morsure d’un animal qui peut vous transmettre une infection.

La cellulite infectieuse peut se révéler dangereuse et nécessite une prise en main immédiate par un professionnel de santé. En cas de non-traitement, elle peut se développer en méningite, septicémie ou encore en gangrène.

Elle se reconnaît assez facilement avec les caractéristiques de l’inflammation. Rougeurs, zone douloureuse et chaude, sont les principaux symptômes. Après l’avis de votre médecin, elle pourra être soignée à l’aide d’un traitement antibiotique.

Attention cependant à ne pas confondre la cellulite infectieuse avec d’autres maladies de peau qui pourraient intervenir au cours de votre vie. En effet, certains symptômes peuvent être similaires et peuvent prêter à confusion. Ne confondez donc pas de la cellulite infectieuse avec la gale, l’ulcère de jambe ou encore de l’eczéma. En cas de doute, contactez votre médecin traitant ou votre dermatologue.


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